Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Dreams... I have them too. They plague me nightly. They swarm in on me as soon as I fall asleep, and relentlessly tear through my mind until I wake. Always, they are of pain, loss, suffering, and violence. They often feature those people who are in my life. The cast is an unpredictable rotation through the night, or from one night to the next. These dreams make me loath sleep, though, they have become the only companion that I can count on every night. their fidelity is unsurpassed. Because of them, there is no rest in my sleep. I wake more exhausted than I was the previous night.

Dreams... I know them too well. The word is usually associated with optimism and hope for the future. I know the ugly truth behind the facade. It's a false promise to lull you into a false sense of security, only to crush you from the inside out.


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